
How To Add Signature At End Of Blog Posts

Sometimes it is nice to have a special "signature" at the end of your posts. Kind of like when you're writing a letter to someone and you end the letter with "Love, Kristen" or "Yours Truly." There is an easy and free way to add this to your blog with a simple plugin.

How To Add A Post Signature To Your Blog

Pin it for later!

I have to admit, when I started my blog, I had no idea how easy this was. I hired a designer to create a signature for me. Later on, as I learned more about WordPress, I realized how simple it was and that I could have done it on my own.

About the plugin

The plugin is called WP Post Signature. You can find more info about the plugin here. However, I suggest downloading the Plugin directly through your Plugin directory, since it is so much easier that way.

Watch the video at the end of the post showing how to install the plugin and create a signature in less than 5 minutes.

Instructions to download the plugin

Go to the Plugins tab on your left hand sidebar in WordPress.

Select "Add New"

Enter "WP Post Signature" in the search bar

The plugin we are looking for should be the very first one. Click on the "Install Now" button.

The plugin should download automatically.

Click on "Activate Plugin"

You should be redirected to your list of Plugins.

Creating a custom signature

Now it's time to create your custom signature. It is so easy to do this in PicMonkey.

Select "Design", then "Custom" and try this image size – 250 pixels wide x 75 pixels high.

On the left hand sidebar, select "Canvas Color" and select the Transparent Canvas check box and hit "Apply"

Note: In order to save an image with a transparent background, it must be saved as a .png (not .jpg). Make sure when you save it, you save as a .png.

Now, create your Signature, using whatever font you like in PicMonkey.

Save the image as a .png in a place you will be able to find it easily later on your computer.

Save your image to your Media Files in your blog.

Copy the File location link for the image.

Instructions to add your custom signature to the plugin

The final step in this process is to add your signature image to the plugin.

Go back to the lefthand sidebar in WordPress and select "Settings"

Find "WP Post Signature" in the list

Enter your HTML for your signature in the box

Create the HTML like this:

<center><img src="link to your image goes here" alt="Signature" style="border: 0px;width:250px;height:75px"></center>

If you don't want it centered, delete <center> and </center>. Change the width and height (if necessary), and replace "link to your image goes here" with your image link.

Don't go manual!

It can be very tempting to manually add your signature image into every post, but let me tell you right now, from personal experience – this is a bad idea!

It may seem easy now, but one day you will want to change things and you will have to go to every post and edit the signature you entered manually.

If you are going to add something to every single post, it is better to use a plugin or code it into your theme (much more advanced).

Why I don't have a signature on my blog

When I first started blogging, I made sure to have a signature. I even paid someone to create it for me, because I didn't know how to do it myself. I thought it was cute and a nice touch at the end of my posts.

However, as time went on and I accumulated more plugins, I decided that a signature was not something I needed. Instead I replaced it with an email subscribe box, at the bottom of every post.

What can you put at the bottom of your post besides a signature

Speaking of that, I just wanted to mention a few other things you might want to put at the bottom of your posts besides a signature:

  • Email subscribe box
  • Links to related posts on your site
  • Comments
  • Links to related posts on other sites
  • An author Bio box
  • A call to action, such as asking your reader to share your post with their friends

You don't need to limit yourself to just one of these options either. Most blogs have multiple things at the bottom of every post.

How To Add Signature At End Of Blog Posts


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